8 06, 2012


By |June 8th, 2012|Answer, Aspen Publications, Godfather, Pretrial Pleadings|0 Comments

An Interesting and Well-Drafted PleadingThis February, Paramount Studios sued one of Mario Puzo’s (author of The Godfather) children and personal representative of Mario’s estate, Anthony Puzo, claiming that the author’s family did not have the right to authorize the publication of a new novel about the Godfather’s fictional Corleone family. Mario Puzo’s estate answered the [...]

3 02, 2009


By |February 3rd, 2009|Answer, Complaint, Interrogatories, Juror Questionnaire, Pretrial Pleadings, Requests for Admissions|1 Comment

Drafting Pleadings and Other Legal DocumentsThere is no better teacher than a good example. A great way to learn how to be a successful trial attorney is to watch one in trial and an even better way is to second-chair or co-chair a trial with that veteran. The same principle goes for other pretrial practice [...]

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